Friday, March 10, 2006

BFSC: Basic Fitness Sergeant Course

Whoa! I can't believe i'm still alive here updating my blog.. Course starts on Wednesday and we've already done 1 IPPT, 1 5KM run and 1 SOC Clean fatigue. The good thing is that we had nights off almost everyday. I can't imagine what's gonna come ahead of us.. I can sense hell!

Not bad for a good kick start on our fitness. After passing out, we'll be called FS(Fitness Sergeant), formally called PTI(Physical Training Instructor). FS is the new term introduced in around 2002 if i'm not wrong. So far so good, our instructors did a good job by leading by example, teaching us in a very professional way. Lessons on knowing every parts of our body seem fun as we occassiaonally test each other by pointing to different areas of the body and the other party has to identify the scientific name. I'm looking forward to more of these, including more hell of physical training for the nest 11 weeks.

Pple out there, pls wish me all the best.. thanks!!!!

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