Friday, March 24, 2006

ITBS - Iliotibial Band Syndrome

WTF!!! IM DOWN WITH Iliotibial Band Syndrome!!!! SHIET!!! This is a common injury in athletics and it's caused by running in bad forms.

I went to the MO(medical Officer) on wednesday and he suspected i got ITBS but finalised as a muscle strain and told me to rest for 1 day. Today i went back to him after some plyometric exercises because of a pain at the side of my hip. He then confirmed that it's Iliotibial Band Syndrome. Oh what the fuck! Scheduled an appointment for physiotherapy with the medical centre at Safti MI. Hope this wun affect my performance........sigh!...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

KTV session with the dudes

HeeeeEEy! I'm back with some updates. So far so good for training. Trying hard not to get injured during the course. Hope thing goes well for me for the next 10 weeks or so.

Well, met up with Sam, Liguang and Benny for KTV session today at Orchard Party World. It's quite gay i must say...the Gay i'm refering to is that GAY, u know what i mean rite?? no girls first quite sian...but when we get the ball rolling, it's a different story i must say. We enjoyed ourselves during the session. After that we met up with Jerry and Steven for dinner. Went to Wisma Lvl 4 but no seats, so went taka eatery. After that i went to my relative's place for a gathering session. BBQ and liquor on the house. Down 2 tequila b4 going back, Shiok!!!

So much fun!!! more thing i must mention... HAPPY 21st birthday to our dear Emily Peng!!!!!! Hope she enjoyed herself last nite and may all her birthday wishes come true!!

Below's the pix. Thanks to Li Guang for taking the pix using his camera phone. Up la Ah Guang!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

BFSC: Basic Fitness Sergeant Course

Whoa! I can't believe i'm still alive here updating my blog.. Course starts on Wednesday and we've already done 1 IPPT, 1 5KM run and 1 SOC Clean fatigue. The good thing is that we had nights off almost everyday. I can't imagine what's gonna come ahead of us.. I can sense hell!

Not bad for a good kick start on our fitness. After passing out, we'll be called FS(Fitness Sergeant), formally called PTI(Physical Training Instructor). FS is the new term introduced in around 2002 if i'm not wrong. So far so good, our instructors did a good job by leading by example, teaching us in a very professional way. Lessons on knowing every parts of our body seem fun as we occassiaonally test each other by pointing to different areas of the body and the other party has to identify the scientific name. I'm looking forward to more of these, including more hell of physical training for the nest 11 weeks.

Pple out there, pls wish me all the best.. thanks!!!!